Futures, Showcase and Competitive Programs

The focus of the Futures, Showcase and Competitive Programs is conditioning and skill development.  In the Competitive Program, there is also an emphasis on performing routines and attending invitational competitions.

Gymnasts that show the desire and potential to participate in gymnastics at a pre-competitive or competitve level during the try-outs will be invited to join the Futures Program or Competitive Team.  A gymnast must have the athletic potential to achieve the skills required in the program, a positive attitude toward other team members and coaches, and excellent work ethic and attendance to participate in these programs.

Futures Program (Girls ages 6-10)


Gymnasts in this program must commit to two practices per week for the full 2017-2018 season. 

Try-outs for the Futures Program:

This year, there are 8 spots open in the Futures program. Try-outs for the Futures program will take place during the Futures group training times (Tuesdays and Thursdays) for the first two to four weeks of the 2017-2018 season (September – October  two practices per week for two weeks guaranteed and two more weeks by invitation). Try-outs are open to gymnasts who have previously participated in the Gymkids program or the Advanced Recreational program by invitation only. In order to try out, a gymnast must be registered for the Advanced Recreational Class ($) plus pay the $100 try-out fee. If a gymnast makes the Futures program, this $100 will be applied to the cost of the Futures program. If a gymnast does not make the competitive team, she will join the Advanced Recreational class  and the $100 will not be refunded. DUE TO COACH AVAILABILITY THERE WILL BE NO TRY OUTS AVAILABLE FOR FUTURES PROGRAM.

Showcase Program ( Girls 9+)

NEW! After a successful fist trial year of this new program, we are excited to add Showcase to our invitation only team programs.

Being very similar to futures and competitive program for requirements, for athletes, this program bridges the gap with age for athletes

are older, then the futures group but still have the opportunity to train in a precompetitive program 2 nights a week. This program helps prepare gymnasts for Gymnastics Ontario compulsory program. Showcase runs TBA

Competitive Program (girls ages 9+)


The competitive team practices two nights per week for the full 2017-2018 season.  There are 2-3 competitions per year, usually in the spring.  Last year (2016-2017), we had a team of 8 gymnasts competing at Levels 2-6 and attended 3 competitions.    

Competitive Team Try-Outs:

This year, there are 7 spots open on the competitive team. Try-outs for the competitive team will take place during the competitive group training times (Tuesdays and Thursdays 5:00pm-8:00pm) for the first two to four weeks of the 2017-2018 season (September  – October  two practices per week for two weeks guaranteed and two more weeks by invitation). Try-outs are open to gymnasts who have previously participated in the Advanced Recreational program and to returning competitive gymnasts. Spots are not guaranteed for returning competitive gymnasts – EVERYONE MUST TRY OUT!!! In order to try out, a gymnast must be registered for the Advanced Recreational class ($) plus pay the $100 try out fee. If a gymnast makes the competitive team, this $100 will be applied to the cost of the competitive program. If a gymnast does not make the competitive team, she will join the appropriate class and the $100 will not be refunded.  Depending on age and skill level, gymnasts that do not make the competitive team may be able to join the Futures Program (in this case, the $100 will be applied to the cost of the Futures Program). DUE TO COACH AVAILABILITY THERE WILL BE NO TRYOUTS FOR COMPETITIVE PROGRAM THIS YEAR.

For Both Programs:

Please note: If a gymnast is not eligible or able to attend try outs at the beginning of the season but shows potential in the recreational program, a late try out for the Competitive or Futures program may be available, at the coach’s recommendation/request, if there are spots open in either program.

Attire:  Gymsuit (with or without Tights) or Tank Top with Tights.  Bare feet or gymnastics slippers.  For safety reasons, no jewelry (including exposed body piercings), no strings/hoods/belts, and HAIR must be tied back.


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