
Recreational class sessions run Fall (September to December), Winter (January to April), and Spring (May to June). 

An annual, in-person, registration day is held at the club's location at 17 Cargill Drive, Seguin, Ontario. On this day, registrations are accepted for all sessions. Space is limited in all of the programs and classes fill up on a first-come, first-served, basis.

Registration Form


If there are unfilled spots, registration via other methods (email, Messenger, drop-in) is normally opened 2 weeks prior to the start of a session.

Please see detailed descriptions under programs tab for each class. Age guidelines for all programs refer to the child's age by December 31st. Coaches will be present on registration days to help you choose the most appropriate class/program for each athlete.

There are no classes over Christmas Break or during the March Break. Classes may run on holidays, depending on coach availability. Classes may continue to run on snow days. There is no guarantee of make-up classes due to weather cancellations, but we do our best.

*Programs are subject to change depending on class volume and coach availability 


Fees must be paid at the time of registration. Cash, cheque, and e-transfer are accepted. 


All recreational classes are subject to an additional mandatory insurance fee of $40 valid till June 30th.

Full refunds cannot be offered, however, if after two or fewer classes, your child is unable to continue in the program, a partial refund will be considered upon receipt of written reasons for the cancellation.  After three classes, refunds will only be provided if the cancellation is for medical reasons with written confirmation from a Doctor. Any considered deferrals or refunds are subject to a $40 administrative fee which includes the non-refundable Gymnastics Ontario insurance fee.


Assistance Options for registration fees:

Helping Kids Play Foundation is a local program which offers financial support to help children get involved in organized sport, recreational and cultural activities and may offer assistance for gymnastics registration fees. Additionally Jump Start through Canadian tire is available for assistance as well.  (see links below) It is recommended to pre apply for funding prior to registration.


Additional subsidy’s may be available through Ontario Work's (OW) or Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP),for current OW or ODSP recipients, Please contact your Caseworker or local office,
West PS resident's contact West Parry Sound OW office 1-800-461-4464
East PS resident's contact East Parry Sound OW office 1-800-661-3230.

 * Please note payment plans can be considered with written request, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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